
Welcome to Staten Island Dental Group, a premier practice with expert general & cosmetic dentists, and an on-site endodontist and oral surgeon. We offer a variety of dental treatments, including preventative cleanings and checkups, restorative fillings and crowns, and prosthetic bridges and dentures. Our specialists are available in the same office for treatments in endodontics,…

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in Staten Island, NY Staten Island Dental Group specializes in teeth whitening and removal of stains and brightening tooth enamel with professional, in-office teeth whitening solutions. Regular causes of tooth discoloration include coffee, wine, tea, tobacco, and even aging. These products can produce visible stains that detract from the beauty of a smile. Whether used…

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Staten Island, New York Sedation Dentistry helps patients in Staten Island, NY feel at ease during complex and invasive dental procedures, such as root canal therapy and tooth extraction. Although some people call it sleep dentistry, in sedation dentistry you are conscious throughout the entire procedure. Meant for patients with a high…

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy in Staten Island, NY When a tooth decays to the point that the pulp becomes infected, root canal therapy is performed to ease the pain, prevent the further spread of the bacteria that caused the infection, and save the tooth. Tooth pain is a common symptom of infected tooth pulp, followed by…

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers in Staten Island, New York Porcelain dental veneers are small, ceramic sheaths that are bonded directly to the surface of teeth. Our skilled cosmetic dentists at the Staten Island Dental Group, Drs. Frank DiCicco and Colleen Intatano see a multitude of patients who are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth and…

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery in Staten Island, New York Our Staten Island, NY dental office provides comprehensive oral surgery care. Dr. Frank DiCicco and Dr. Intatano, are uniquely trained and experienced in oral surgery. Our dentists treat many diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity….

Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry in Staten Island, New York Our dentists, Dr. Frank DiCicco and Dr. Colleen Intatano, perform all major cosmetic dentistry procedures, including laser dentistry, Invisalign®, LUMINEERS®, teeth whitening, and porcelain veneers at their Staten Island, New York office. They make use of the latest dental technology, always with the goal of giving their patients…


Invisalign Clear Braces in Staten Island, NY Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that offers an alternative to traditional metal braces that helps you straighten your teeth. Invisalign is a great way to correct crowding, spacing, overbites, midline shifts and cross bites! Staten Island Dental Group specializes in Invisalign clear braces for patients in Staten Island, NY and…


Dentures in Staten Island, New York The dentists at Staten Island Dental Group in Staten Island, NY, Drs. DiCicco and Intatano, have a great deal of experience fabricating natural-looking full and partial dentures. A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Dentures can be either complete or partial. Complete dentures are…

Dental Phobia

Dental Phobia Solutions in Staten Island, New York Many adults and children in Staten Island, NY have dental phobia and fear visiting the dentist office. While many feel a certain amount of anxiety before their visit the dentist, those who have a serious dental fear or phobia avoid seeking treatment for dental problems, even if…